Fetured Post

How to be different or unique from others

  How to be different from others 1. Make decisions on your own and stick to them. Listen to the discussions going on around you. Be a good listener but go ahead with what you feel is right and make your own decision. Do not depend on others for the choices you make and be proud and hold yourself responsible for whatever choices you make. 2. Be honest to yourself. Never lie to yourself. Do not try to emulate others. Just be yourself and be proud of who you are. One should be honest not just to others but also to oneself as you yourself are answerable to your conscious  at the end of the day. 3. Accept your flaws. Not everyone is perfect. We are all humans, not superhumans or God. We must admit to ourselves the flaws that we have and try to work on improving ourselves. Don't try to act as a perfect person as it leads to being dishonest and displaying your artificial self out there in the society and to yourself. 4. Respect Yourself. Learn to adore and respect yourself. God has made

With love, to all parents. Parents are special.

Hi Everyone,

This post is close to my heart. My parents and my In - laws are incredibly special to me. When I was a teenager, our school had various clubs and students were free to join whichever club they wanted. The club that I had joined had taken us on a trip to some park and then to an old age home. We were supposed to perform for them and spend time with them on that day. That day still holds good in memory. I can never forget those people who had so many stories to say about how they were thrown out of their homes by their children, and they did not even care to check on their well-being. Some old ladies were single mothers and had worked their entire lives so that they could provide good education, food, clothes, and all other comforts to their children. That day I had come home and hugged my parents and my grandmother and had shared the plight of the old age home with them. I had seen tears rolling down their eyes as well. I will never forget it my entire life.

Today I am bringing to you all an exceptionally beautiful movie – Shonar Pahar (2018), a Bengali film which gives us all this simple and straight message that no matter what parents are always and will always love us unconditionally but sometimes we as children misunderstand their constant display of concern towards us as nagging when in fact it is their love that they show towards us and only us. This movie portrays an innocent and beautiful friendship between a seven-year-old orphan kid and a seventy-year-old lady. This movie shows the value of relationships to us which we have probably forgotten in this rat race.

We owe our existence to our parents. They bring us to this world, teach us everything and then one fine day when we become independent is it right on our part to let them just live on their own simply because our lifestyle does not match with theirs??? They have lived a certain way of life for a very long time and asking them to change suddenly doesn’t happen so easily. Besides, it is on our part to make those adjustments, understand their feelings and let them be the way they are. After all, nobody wants to lead a lonely life in their old age.

There is a scene in the movie where the son goes in search of his mother to a police station and the cops show him into a room filled with old people who are abandoned by their children, left to fend for themselves in this big big world. The scene is so heart wrenching that anybody will cry looking at it. How can people so easily just leave their parents just because it is inconvenient to stay with them? It is impossible to imagine such a thing but sadly this happens. Sometimes we become mute spectators to such things being so helpless that we cannot do anything. We just say, “it is the story of another household”.

I hope after seeing the movie anybody who is harboring such an idea drop it because just put yourselves in their shoes. I cannot imagine my daughter just leaving me somewhere at some old age home saying she is unable to take care of me. As parents we will never leave our children anywhere. Then why, why children abandon their parents? Just a food for thought. 

That is it for today, I guess. Follow me on Koo App, facebook, comment here on my blog and also follow my blog and please send me your questions and suggestions. I am waiting to hear from all of you.

Love you All,




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